Omega 3 experiment- the fishogenic diet

This was just a fun experiment because I get bored sometimes. I wanted to increase protein to see what happens. The end result is nothing much! These are typical readings for me but it's interesting how eating more fish doesn't change much compared to other sources of protein. I could eat half the amount in red meat and the effect on my blood glucose would be twice as much. That's why I don't eat much red meat and when I do it's just lamb heart. 

I would definitely recommend red meat on ketogenic diets, I just do this because of its easier to consistently stay in therapeutic ketosis for cancer management this way. Tomorrow I start hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I have my own diet protocol for that which is quite different but challenging to explain. It will be a whole lifestyle change starting tomorrow and not just diet related. Should be fun! I went for a long walk early this morning and then decided to eat a little bit differently to compare results with my normal diet (restricted protein, organ meats, fatty insects, no carbs). I quite enjoyed this as something simple and different to my usual routine. It does feel strange on my stomach having plant fibre again as opposed to animal fibre but I don't mind too much. It's tolerable. 

For the experiment I increased meal frequency, protein intake with foods high in omega 3 fatty acids, and added some plant fibre-coconut flour, flaxseed, avocado.

Today's food experiment: 

2 omega 3 enriched eggs, 50g ghee, 8g coconut flour- makes a coconut flour 'bread'

2 omega 3 enriched eggs, 50g ghee, 10g flaxseed- makes a flaxseed 'bread' 

1 avocado 
(I can eat these now so I do occasionally. A great source of potassium to complement the magnesium supplementation)

Macadamia nuts- 25g
(I don't normally eat these, I just didn't want ketones to get too high so I added them. Sounds strange but I'm consistently in deep ketosis and don't want it to be above 5.5mmol/l)

154g sardines, 20g ghee, black pepper, cumin, sea salt

Supplements: magnesium chloride (375mg), potassium citrate (600mg)

Conclusion: don't worry too much about increasing intake of sources high in omega 3 fatty acids on any kind of ketogenic diet. It's unlikely to make too much difference, particularly if it is from oily fish. These foods compliment a ketogenic diet very well and will probably actually give you more consistent readings. Your brain and heart will also be very happy! I still personally think this is more important than ketones. Diet is about ratios of a number of chemicals to get the right balance for all body systems to maintain a happy medium so it can't just be about the ketones! 


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