Keto kidneys, Satya Project, manifestos, and New Scientist magazine

It's safe to say it's been a busy week for me but I've thoroughly enjoyed it! 

I thought I would take time to update my blog while I prepare what I like to call these 'keto kidneys'- just look at the huge lumps of fat that surround them! 

I'm not a great fan of kidney (they can taste of urine- yuck!! So I will wash them thoroughly and I'm going to cook them in the oven with some herbs for 15 minutes, hoping that they don't explode. I am eating this for the nutritional benefits and so that my kidneys can remain healthy. I believe that if you eat healthy kidneys you will be provided with the nutrients required to ensure optimal health of your own kidneys. The fat is actually delicious!! These are lamb kidneys. 

Grass fed kidney fat- I chopped up the fat to be mixed with the kidneys and meat juice below. All I did was to have this in the oven at 180 for 12 minutes. It's very ketogenic, nutritious, and there is no need to add extra fat. 

I didn't add mixed herbs in the end and mixed 1 chopped up kidney with the fat and natural meat juice from the cooking process. Still an 'acquired taste' but the fatty bits and cooking method make it more palatable. It's doing me good in terms of my health so I'm happy and I enjoy the fatty bits added with sea salt. This meal cost me �1.85 and will be my only meal of the day. 

On Wednesday I had a meeting with Joye Marie Leventhal, founder of Satya Project. 

Satya Project is:

'An international biotechnology company focusing on discovery and development of advanced therapeutics for chronic illnesses and pain.'

I met Joye at the medical cannabis talk at my university and her work is truly admirable. We had a long chat about my approach to my disease and how I have been controlling my epilepsy. I have started a society at university called 'The Progressive Medicine Society' and I am delighted that she has accepted my invitation to present as an external speaker. 

Soon I will be campaigning for the role of Disability Officer at my university. I am passionate about creating an environment that enables disabled students to thrive in all aspects of university life and I'm really looking forward to the role. 

Finally I am looking forward to being interviewed for New Scientist magazine on Monday. I will be detailing the metabolic strategy I have utilised to manage my disease and control my epilepsy without medication. My oncologist will also be getting involved, as will researchers from Imperial College London. I will discuss the practicalities of this approach as well as discussing what is happening at the cellular level as a response to this novel treatment approach. I will go on to discuss the tweaks and adaptations I have made. 

I've been a fan of New Scientist for years so it's kind of surreal doing this but I just want the message out there. New Scientist love brain stuff and rightly so because it's fascinating and our brains are what make us who we are. It is simply remarkable and we may never be able to fathom it's complexities and adaptability... or at least perhaps not in my lifetime and I plan on living a long time yet! 


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