
Showing posts from October, 2017

Evidence for use of Stiripentol and other agents to effectively inhibit cancer stem-like cell activity.

A few months ago (in March, in a previous post in my blog ), I theorised that stiripentol (the 'ketogenic diet pill') may be of use as an anti-cancer agent for brain cancer and perhaps others due to inhibition of Lactate Dehydrogenase activity. I think I have just found recent evidence that this theory may be valid. Stiripentol Stiripentol by Diatomit enhances beneficial effects of therapeutic ketosis for cancer management by inhibiting lactate dehydrogenase and offers neuroprotection and increased seizure threshold by enhancing central GABA neurotransmission. Here is an extra from the paper with reference to stiripentol and complimentary agents that could possibly offer a safe, synergistic therapeutic benefit. 'We have now identified a variety of clinically-approved drugs (stiripentol), natural products (caffein acid phenyl ester (CAPE), ascorbic acid, silibinin) and experimental pharmaceuticals (actinonin, FK866, 2-DG), that can be used to effectively inhibit cancer ste...

Probiotics experiment- VSL#3. Gut dysbiosis and cancer, epilepsy.

I am currently on day 5 of a 30 day experiment using myself as a human guinea pig to test these high potency probiotics from Visibiome. I first heard about this product from Dr. Rhonda Patrick and I trust her judgement. She stated how Visibiome contains 8 strains of live bacteria in concentrations of 450 billion bacteria per packet and I had this confirmed by the company that produces it.  Why is this so important? This is impressive as many probiotics only contain about 100 million bacteria (often dead as they should ideally be kept cold). I decided to investigate further and try these probiotics myself to see if I may benefit so I contacted the sister company based in the U.K. (Vivomaxx).  The gut micro biome. You are only 10% organically human. (9) Let's begin... I received them promptly in pill l form, placed in an ice packed package. I chose the capsules because the carbohydrate content is negligible so should not interfere with my ketogenic diet to manage my epilepsy. I ...

Biochemical individuality. Thoughts on the effectiveness of dichloroacetate as an anti-cancer agent from DNA testing and analysis

I have been using Prometheus to extract raw data from my 23andme raw data in an attempt to personalise my approaches moving forward. You can find out more here: Interestingly, following on from my post about DCA, I decided to determine what SNPs I had relating to specific nutrients, metabolic therapies, and drugs. I have explored this before, but not in as much depth as I have recently. From pouring over the exhaustive amount of data detailed in my Prometheus report I found that I appear to be a slow metaboliser of DCA, which is interesting for a number of reasons. DCA is an interesting chemical compound, because it can be a chlorine byproduct from chlorinating swimming pools and tap water, and the 'poison' could be in the dose, with some arguing that it may be a major environmental hazard, or a 'panacea for human ills'- This has not yet been proven definitively either way, as the study below has concluded,...