Sunbathing- Heliotherapy and grounding
To the people laughing at me sunbathing practically naked in the park- my health is worth more than your opinions. Vitamin D and light is king, don't waste this precious sunlight. Supplemental vitamin D does not compare, it is not a vitamin, it's a hormone that is synthesised from UV light onto the skin and we need the full spectrum. In the UK we don't get much sun so you have to take every opportunity to get it while you can. I occasionally use special sunbeds (during a week of bad weather) that have the right ratio of UVA and UVB for my skin- it's personalised and actually protects against many cancers, contrary to popular belief. If you use a standard sunbed this is not the same and can be very harmful, especially if used frequently. I only go once a week and only when the weather is terrible. I also now never wear sunglasses as I understand UV light going into the retina is very important for not just eye health but overall health. I won't look directly at th...