Exercise and brain cancer

Exercise and brain cancer is a very complex subject that I would like to revisit later. I am able to function fairly well now but it was a very long journey with many uncertainties. Walking up and down the hall at home used to be strenuous exercise for me not long ago and stairs was a nightmare. I still can't believe what I can do now. I continue to be wary of tumour recurrence after being informed by my oncologist it would probably be 'sudden, unexpected, and will likely leave me with right sided paralysis because of where the tumour was located' but that is why I'm trying all I can to keep it away! I seem to be doing alright so far, let's hope that continues. Ketosis has become an exciting journey and I love how it alleviates and manages a lot of my symptoms when I get it right but exercise can be a challenge (trying to maintain 'therapeutic ketosis for cancer management). This morning I decided to do a little experiment (my meds often send me into a deep sle...